What an experience this was, dying Easter eggs with three two year olds. Thank goodness we wore old clothes and it was outside. I can not tell you exactly how many eggs actually made it through the dye process and into the container not broken. Many of the eggs were dunked twice or three or even four times in multiple colors.

They had a great time at Auntie Kelly's house. At first they thought all the pretty colors in the cups where juice. Boy did they soon find out that the juice did not taste very good. Thank goodness on the box (largely printed) is in case of accidental ingestion: DO NOT PANIC

Owen Loved every minute of it. He also seemed to spill the most. By the end of the day every hand and finger also including mine must of been stained a different color. When we finished our eggs Owen was off finding others to dye. A true artist with his paint brush in hand playing in the egg bowl full of dye.

Logan liked trying too see how many eggs he could fit in the same container. I could barely keep up with the three of them. I trying to keep one egg minimum in each bucket, trying to catch the spills from happening and then once they occurred trying to clean them up. What a fun day but exhausting too.
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